Wind Energy

Powertron Infrastructure

Wind Energy

Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power. Powertron The paper first deals with the current scenario of wind energy in India. Wind energy is available without any cost and it does not emit any greenhouse gases. This makes it a great source of energy production for any developing state. The field of wind energy has tremendous scope for innovation, translating to real-world applications and tremendous economic opportunity

It is crucially important for India, as our economy continues to evolve, and we must ensure every Indian has access to opportunity, decent jobs, and livelihood. For that, we will need greater resources. Clean, sustainable, renewable-and equally important, domestic sources of energy are essential to fulfill the potential of India in the coming years and it is certain that wind energy will play a major part in shaping India's future. Wind power has emerged as the biggest source of renewable energy in the world.